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BTST Dry Cupping CPD Course

BTST Dry Cupping CPD Course


  • On-Demand course


Taught by Osteopath Becky Tyler, this online Dry Cupping CPD course will cover everything you need to know, enabling you to incorporate Dry Suction Cupping into your current treatments. Covering all the theory as well as ensuring you have plenty of practical demonstrations. This is a great addition to any manual therapist treatment for both the therapist and the patient.

course Content

5 sections15 lessons
Welcome 2 lessons
  1. 1Course Theory
  2. 2Introduction to Cupping Therapy
Stationary Cupping 9 lessons
  1. 1Stationary Cupping to the Back
  2. 2Stationary Cupping to the Biceps
  3. 3Stationary Cupping to the Triceps
  4. 4Stationary Cupping to the Deltoids
  5. 5Stationary Cupping to the Hamstrings
  6. 6Stationary Cupping to the Pectorals
  7. 7Stationary Cupping to the Quadriceps
  8. 8Stationary Cupping to the Rotator Cuff
  9. 9Stationary Cupping to the Upper Traps
Pin & Stretch1 lessons
  1. 1Pin & Stretch Method
Active Cupping 1 lessons
  1. 1Active cupping demonstrated for Forward bend
Massage Cupping 2 lessons
  1. 1Cupping Massage for the Back
  2. 2Cupping Massage for the Legs
